October 5, 2017


October 5, 2017


Exodus 23:9

This week’s sermon text: Romans 9:1-18


Have you ever felt on the outside of something? Maybe it’s something as insignificant as an inside joke or event that happened, or maybe you feel there is a group of people who does things without you. Maybe you feel like an outsider because of your personal tastes, ideas, values, political beliefs, culture, current situation, or background. Maybe you feel like you are an outsider because you are far away from home. The Word of God is quick to remind us being an outsider is a relatable experience for many humans (Deuteronomy 10:17-19, Leviticus 19:33-34, Jeremiah 22:3). There are many uses of the word: outsider, foreigner, immigrant, sojourner. Among the many instructions we find in the Old Testament, the message regarding outsiders is clear. Love them, care for them, stand up for them. Make your home their home. Today, let us remember the universal feeling of being on the outside, and reach out to and pray for those who are presently enduring it.


  • What makes you feel different? How can you use that for God’s glory?
  • What are tangible ways you can help those who may feel like outsiders in your community (church, neighborhood, school, work, etc.)?


  • Have you ever been left out? What did it feel like?
  • Is there someone you know “on the outside” whom you can reach out to?

Prayer Guide

God, you are our great comforter who is with us at all times. You know our hearts and minds, each and every feeling that we feel. We know that you are with us wherever we go. Continue to comfort us God, and comfort all those who feel alone.