
At the heart of our philosophy of giving is a commitment to be good stewards of our God-given resources. We want to be intentional as a church in placing our lives and resources before God as an offering of praise and shared sacrifice.

As members of the church, we commit to supporting the mission and ministries of BUMC through our prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness. Each year we ask our members to commit their tithes and offerings for the coming year in support of the church's ministry and mission.

Here are some ways you can practice good stewardship:

  • Pray about your giving regularly to God's mission and ministry through BUMC.
  • Have a goal to tithe 10 percent of your income. Until then, consider increasing your giving as you are able. If you've never given, offer a first-time gift. (Online commitment form further down this page.)
  • Be faithful in your attendance in worship each week you are in town.
  • Consider how you will be intentional in mission and service. This could be by using your spiritual gifts.

To view the status of your pledge, visit the My Pledges page. Questions? Contact to learn more.

Ready to schedule your 2024 giving on Pushpay?

Follow the link below and select BUMC Operating from the dropdown menu.

FAQs of Stewardship & Giving

Our annual stewardship campaign is targeted at raising general operating funds for the church. These funds are vital for day-to-day operations, making it possible for Brentwood UMC to fulfill its mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Operating funds provide opportunities for BUMC members to practice discipleship 24/7.

  • How much of the Operating Budget goes toward the Capital Campaign?

    Funding for our regular Operating Budget and the Called Together Capital Campaign are separate from one another. We are so appreciative of the generosity extended toward the Capital Campaign so far, but if you find yourself in a position where you have to choose between your regular tithing to the church and donating to the Capital Campaign, we ask that you continue your regular tithe to the church. The Operating Budget is what helps keep our ministries running day to day. It is crucial for maintaining the numerous programs and ministries we offer to the community throughout the week.

  • Why do you need to know my financial commitment pledge since I am already giving?

    We appreciate the generosity of our members, and we celebrate consistent giving! The annual stewardship campaign raises awareness among our members of the significance of their ongoing support and invites them to make a yearly commitment to invest in our ministries and programs for the upcoming year. Your pledge helps us better plan for ministry and more accurately plan our budget.

  • How can I support programs like South Africa Outreach, Disaster Relief, Benevolence Ministry, or other wonderful ministries?

    We refer to these gifts as designated or second-mile gifts. The Communion offerings, as well as other special offerings throughout the year, are considered designated gifts because the donations are distributed to the specific programs set out in the appeal. These types of gifts are valuable and very much appreciated even though they do not count toward an individual’s annual commitment.

  • What if I experience a job loss or health crisis that makes it challenging to fulfill my commitment?

    Life happens. If your circumstances change, and if you are comfortable, please contact our Finance Department or Leslie Hotzfeld, our Executive Director. Not only will this give us an opportunity to pray for better days for you but will also make us aware of the possible change in your financial support.

  • What size gift is expected?

    Any size gift matters because it is from you and because it is used to love God, serve people, and transform lives. Remember the story of the widow and her two copper coins in Luke 21:1-4? We recognize that the choice to support our church ministries is a very personal choice and a covenant between you and God, and we thank you for your generosity.

  • What are the ways I can give?

    We provide a variety of giving options:


    You can safely and securely set up a recurring or one-time gift on Pushpay, our online giving platform.


    Give from your mobile device any time by texting BrentwoodUMC to 833.245.6475. You will receive a text directing you to our online giving platform through Pushpay. You can also give on our mobile app, which you can download by texting BrentwoodUMC App to 833.245.6475 or by searching Brentwood UMC on the App Store or Google Play Store.


    Make giving a part of your worship experience by placing your contribution in the offering plate. Use a giving envelope found in the pew racks to ensure you receive giving credit for cash donations.


    Mail your gift to our Finance Department (Brentwood UMC, 309 Franklin Road, Brentwood, TN 37027 Attn: Finance Department)


    Stock gifts can be processed through Merrill Lynch on behalf of BUMC. For more information, the Finance Department can be reached at or 615.324.8214. Any time you do a stock transfer, please notify the Finance Department of the type and number of shares so that we can properly credit your contribution account.


    You can give your Required Minimum Distribution from a retirement account to take advantage of the tax benefit. You can also give through your charitable trust. Talk to your account’s broker for more information. Make sure to alert the finance department at or 615.324.8214 if you have decided to give in this way.

Spiritual Gifts Assessment

An important part of giving is giving of your gifts and talents. If you do not yet know your spiritual gifts, or if you are unsure how they've matured over time, we have this resource available to you throughout the year. This assessment is a series of 88 multiple choice questions that will help you identify your spiritual gifts. Plan to spend 15-20 minutes answering the questions. After finishing the assessment, you’ll get immediate feedback listing your top spiritual gifts. This assessment can help you in considering where you might serve with the gifts God has given you.