We partner with families and the Church Community to support children (birth through 5th grade) in their growth as disciples of Jesus Christ. It is our goal to create a culture of love where each child can discover who God is and learn that they are made in the image of a wonderful God.
Sunday Mornings
Sunday mornings with BUMC Kids is a unique time for children to grow in their faith through fun Bible-related activities, small group connections, and prayer. Faith formation activities are age appropriate and designed to help children grow as disciples of Jesus Christ.

12 weeks – 3 years
Our Nursery is available for children ages 12 weeks to 3 years. Our trained Nursery staff are eager to care for your child while you worship and grow your faith in a Sunday School class.
Nursery is available at our 8:30, 9:45, and 11 a.m. hours of worship and Sunday School.

PreK-4 – Kindergarten
Wonder of Worship is a time for our PreK-4s and Kindergartners to be excused from the worship service to learn more about God and worship. Dismissal for Wonder of Worship happens between the scripture reading and sermon.
Wonder of Worship is available at our 8:30 & 11 a.m. services.

PreK-4 – 5th Grade
Sunday School is a unique time for children in PreK-4 through 5th grade to grow in their faith through fun Bible-related activities, small group connections, and prayer. Faith formation activities are age appropriate and designed to help children grow as disciples of Jesus Christ.
Sunday School is available at 9:45 a.m.
We believe in corporate worship where children of all ages are included and have an active role during our worship services, and we strongly believe that worshipping together as a family is vital to a child’s spiritual development.
Children are encouraged to participate in worship with their families during our services on Sunday at 8:30, 9:45 & 11 a.m. BUMC Kids provides children's worship bags to add to the experience!
Connect With Us
BUMC Kids Weekly Newsletter
Stay connected and in-the-know with BUMC Kids! Our newsletter offers church news, program updates, and parenting resources for all ages.
BUMC Kids Small Groups
We have age-specific small groups that meet throughout the school year and summer. Contact Abby Deal at adeal@bumc.net to learn more about small groups (or volunteer to host!).
New Here?
Sign up to receive our newsletter and resources for Sunday Mornings.
Serve With Us
BUMC Kids Volunteers
We're always looking for adult volunteers to help with Sunday School and other BUMC Kids activities throughout the year! Contact Heather Rainey to help in the Nursery or Abby Deal to serve as a Sunday School leader!
Worship Acolytes
Acolytes are important leaders in our 8:30 and 11 a.m. worship services. They bring the light of Christ into the Sanctuary, assist with offering, baptisms, Communion, and more! Students in 4th grade or older can serve as acolytes. Contact Ellen Garrett egarrett@bumc.net to learn more about how your child can lead.

Births + Baptisms
In the event of a birth or adoption to a church member’s family, please contact our Caring Ministries office.
New BUMC family members receive a rosebud and gift from our Children’s Ministry. Births and adoptions are listed on our weekly prayer list. You can find that list on our Online Worship page.
As a United Methodist Church, we practice the sacrament of infant baptism. Though it is most frequently done between one and six months, baptism can be performed at any age.
Contact Rosanne Schenck to schedule a baptism.
Want to learn more about what United Methodists believe about baptism?
Contact Rev. Casey Orr for a conversation.
Our Weekly Preschools

Day School
Part-time preschool for 1-5 years
The Day School's purpose is to provide each child with a program of planned experiences in living and growing with others, as well as to serve the community by offering parents a safe, educational environment for their children. We believe every child is a very special person, and it is our goal that each one leaves our program with a feeling of self-worth, a caring spirit and a love for learning.

Early Learning Center
Full-time preschool for ages 12 weeks to 5 years
The BUMC Early Learning Center ministers to the needs of young children and their families by providing a safe, loving, Christian environment to foster intellectual, social, physical, emotional, and spiritual growth and development.
Frequently Asked Questions
Meet the BUMC Kids Staff

Ellen Garrett
Director of BUMC Kids

Carol Dickerson
Agape Choir Director (1st + 2nd Grade)

Amy Glenn
Assistant Director
of the Day School

Selia Hammond
Early Learning Center
Curriculum Coordinator

Jenny Hyams
Director of the Day School

Lori Joiner
Director of the Early Learning Center

Sarah Kimball
Assistant Director of the Early Learning Center

Abby Deal
Associate Director of BUMC Kids
(K – 5th grade)

Heather Rainey
Associate Director of BUMC Kids
(Infant – PreK)

Lynn Summar
Angel Choir Director
(Pre-K + Kindergarten)

Gretchen Voyles
BUMC Kids Assistant

James Wells
Director of Youth + Children's Music