Baptism + Births
Baptism is a sacrament.
As a United Methodist Church, we practice the sacrament of infant baptism. Though it is most frequently done between one and six months, baptism can be performed at any age.
The word sacrament comes from the Latin word for vow or promise and the Greek word for mystery. Sacraments are ritual practices that connect us to the mystery of God’s love and grace and call us to respond in faith.
While there are many ways of opening to the love and grace of God, United Methodists recognize two rituals as sacraments: Baptism and Holy Communion. These are the only two practices that Jesus specifically commands in the Gospels (Matthew 28:19-20; Luke 22:14-21). Baptism is our welcome to the family of Christ; Holy Communion sustains and nourishes us on our journey of faith.
Are you ready for baptism?
Contact Rosanne Schenck to schedule an upcoming baptism.
Have you been baptized and want to become a member?
Contact Rosanne Schenck to learn about membership at Brentwood United Methodist Church.
Baptism is one of our foundational milestones for a life of faith.
BUMC Kids has named five milestones, beginning with baptism, to help your child prepare for Confirmation in 6th grade and to provide support as you raise your child in the faith.

Confirmation is in partnership with baptism.
Student Ministry offers Confirmation as a semester-long program to 6th graders each Fall, during which they learn about what it means to live out their baptisms. They learn the history of the church and study the Bible, attend worship weekly, and engage in service to God’s people and the church. At the end, they are invited to claim their faith publicly by joining the church as a full, professing member. And if they were not baptized as infants, they will be baptized prior to being confirmed. We also offer Confirmation classes for older students and adults throughout the year.
In the event of a birth or adoption to a church member’s family, please contact our Caring Ministry. Births and adoptions are listed on our weekly prayer list. You can find that list on our Online Worship page.
Other helpful contacts:
- Pastoral Care
To schedule a pastoral care appointment with one of our pastors, please fill out our pastoral care request form.
- Rosebuds & Baby Blankets
Births and adoptions of members are listed in our worship service bulletins and rosebuds are placed on the baptismal font in honor of newborn children. Newborn and newly adopted children receive a handmade blanket from BUMC Kids handmade by our Prayer Shawl Ministry, as well as the rosebud placed on the font in their honor and a copy of the worship bulletin listing their name. Contact our Caring Ministry to notify us of a recent birth or adoption so we can honor your family in upcoming worship services.