November 25, 2017

New Year Resolutions

November 25, 2017


Acts 20:22-24

This weekend’s reading: Matthew 25:31-46

Paul is headed to Jerusalem for one last time. He is focused on his goal. He wants to finish his race “to testify to the good news of God’s grace.”

Tomorrow is Christ the King Sunday. It is the last Sunday of the Christian year. The following Sunday begins the new Christian Year with Advent.

On the last days of a calendar year, many of us begin preparing resolutions for the New Year. Likewise, this last week of this past Christian year is a great time to look at your mission and vision, your course of ministry for Christ for this next Christian year.

Pastor Davis Chappell gives us an awesome list of questions for us to consider. For the rest of your devotional time today, I suggest that you take pen and paper and, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, answer the Questions for the Field…


  • When you dream the mission of the Church, what do you envision?
  • Where do you feel God is leading us as a people? As Church?
  • How can BUMC bring change to Brentwood, Williamson County, Nashville, and the world?
  • How are YOU willing to invest in this dream?

Most loving gracious Lord, as we end this Christian year and prepare for the next, please plant the seeds of your vision of what we are to do to complete your mission through us individually, through our families, and through our church. In your gracious name, we pray. Amen.