December 2, 2017

Let God Be God

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Daily Reading

Psalm 80:1-7, 17-19

Micah 2:1-13

***Matthew 24:15-31

Field Notes
Some of our readings during this week have pointed to the end of times or to the second coming of the Son of Man. I’m not certain I focus much on either of those things happening. That doesn’t mean that I am not concerned about my life of discipleship. Rather, I hope to meet Christ at my death, rather than waiting for him to return here on earth. I am very skeptical of people who project a day or date for ‘the end times’. Our text today says something like; “People who say they know, don’t know.”

Thankfully, in my Bible I have a few notes from November 29, 2016. Davis preached a sermon entitled ‘Preparing for an Unknown Deadline’. That seems to be the crux of it for me. Since I don’t know when it will happen, I push it to the back of my mind.

  • Here are 4 admonitions from Davis’ sermon worth some thought.
    Anticipation [of Christ’s coming]: looking forward in hope changes the now.
  • The enemy of preparation is procrastination.
  • Concentrate now on the tasks before us that sit between the first and second comings.
  • Remain open to God’s values; becoming actively ready for Christ’s coming.

Did you notice that this list is ‘active’ in the now, for today? Living as ‘active’ Christians makes us ready for the time when God intersects human history again.

It is not a matter of a great scorecard, but instead a steady purpose; not so much the grand judgment of every event in our lives, but the growth in our hearts; having forgiven seventy times seven and being willing to do it yet again; needing forgiveness and continuing to ask; learning to love as God loves. When he comes, we will know him!

Questions for the Field

  • When you think about the second coming of Christ, what comes to mind for you?
  • How might you prepare?

Family Field Talk
Listen to Don Moen’s song “When Its All Been Said and Done” on YouTube together. What do the words suggest are most important to God?

Lord Jesus, when you come, may you find us seeking your kingdom; honoring your teachings; desiring your will; longing for your home. Amen.