April 18, 2018

Jesus Trusts In You

April 18, 2018


Mark 16:9-18

This weekend’s reading: John 21:15-19

In our Mark passage for today, I am continuously convicted and challenged by verses 14 and 15.  They read: “Later [Jesus] appeared to the eleven themselves as they were sitting at the table; and he upbraided them for their lack of faith and stubbornness, because they had not believed those who saw him after he had risen.  And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the good news to the whole creation.”
I am convicted because I, like the disciples, often lack faith and am extremely stubborn (just ask my husband).  I often want God to essentially prove something to me before I will believe it.  I often need to be extra assured in someone that God is leading me in a certain direction before I take that first step.  I am challenged because Jesus doesn’t just call the disciples out on their sin, he fully trusts them as sinners to go into the world and teach the good news.  We will all fall short of what God expects from us, but how truly awesome it is that Christ still believes that we can still be his representatives in the world!


  • How are you being Christ’s representative in the world?
  • How are you convicted and challenged by this passage?


  • How do you share your faith with others?

Lord, I give you thanks that even though I often fall short of your call, you still trust me with Your good work.  Lord I pray that I may take that trust to heart and boldly live out my faith in the world as a disciple of Christ.  Amen.