Daily Devotionals
August 6, 2018
How We Look at Others
August 6, 2018
Genesis 1:26-31
Psalm 8
This weekend’s reading: Genesis 1:26-31
While eating with a church member and her friend, I discovered her friend was Elvis Presley’s mother. Suddenly, my opinion of both ladies changed. Knowing their connection to Elvis made the difference.
While touring a museum, several guests did not think much of a particular set of sculptures. When they discovered that Michelangelo was the sculptor, they became very interested. Knowing of the artist made the difference.
Looking at people as people, I see nothing special. While looking at the same people as created by God in the image of God, my whole opinion of them changes. Knowing the connection
It changes how I look at them and how I don’t. What I think and what I don’t. How I relate to them and how I don’t. How I treat them and how I don’t. My whole relationship with them changes. This also includes my family, co-workers, church members, friends, enemies, and people in the check-out line.
When I intentionally see others as created in God’s image, I find that I relate to them as if I am with Jesus. It changes everything in my relationships.
- Who are some people you might see today?
- How might you look at, be with, and treat them today knowing they are holy creations of God?
- How are we, as children, like
are parents in our appearance? - How are our actions, as children, like those actions of our parents?
- How are we living with each other as if we are living with Jesus?
- How might we improve how we live with each other if we treat each other as holy and sacred images of God?
Most loving gracious Lord, creator