December 1, 2018


December 1, 2018


Nehemiah 9:26-31
This weekend’s reading: Jeremiah 33:14-16


This Nehemiah passage is exhausting.  It’s a story of people who should have just followed God (and seemed to really want to) but continued to mess up again and again, even when God redeemed them again and again.  I want to shake some sense into those Israelites and just make them get it right.  But then I remember that I do the same thing.  I try again and again to follow God’s law and will for my life, but even despite my best efforts, I sometimes fall short.  It’s the nature of being sinful humans, unfortunately.  The good news is, however, that the last word of this story is that God never forsakes us even when we fall short for God is a gracious God.


  • How have you fallen short today or this week?  Have you confessed your sin to God?
  • Take heart!  God still loves you and Christ’s grace redeems you over and over again.


Lord thank you for loving me and forgiving me as I continue to learn and try to be more like you.  You are an awesome and great God.  You are a God of abundant grace.  THANK YOU!  May I continue to pursue you and love you in all that I do. Amen.