February 4, 2019

God Provides

February 4, 2019


1 Kings 17:8-16
This weekend’s reading: Revelation 3:1-6

In this story, Elijah has been commanded by God to seek safety outside of Israel, for all of Israel’s resources have dried up in a drought. Elijah crosses the border into Sidon, in a town called Zarephath, in search of food. He meets a widow at the gate, and when he asks for food, she responds that Sidon is no better off than Israel. In fact, she has but enough meal and oil left for one piece of bread, which she will share with her son as a last meal before starving to death.
She could have told him to go back from where he came from. But instead, she has faith in Elijah’s prophecy that God will provide. Not surprisingly, when she shares what she has with this alien from another country, God does provide, not only for Elijah but for the woman and her whole house for many days.
Have you ever been guilty of withholding resources from others, fearful that if you let them go you’ll be left with nothing? God promises us that this will not happen. God provides for us, but we are commanded again and again to give to those in need. 


  • Do you find it difficult to trust in God’s promised provision? Why?


  • How does God bless you each day?
  • How can you share those blessings with others?

Holy Creator, you are the one who blesses us anew each day. You bless and multiply our resources when we faithfully share what we have, however much or little that may be. We pray as we begin this week that you would open our eyes and hearts to true faith in your promised provision. Amen.