May 10, 2019

Enemies Internal And External

May 10, 2019


Psalm 23
Ezekiel 20:39-44
This weekend’s reading: Exodus 20:12


In Psalm 23, the enemy is external. It speaks of the darkest valley (v4) and enemies at the table (v5). In Ezekiel 20 the enemy is internal. It speaks of the ways and deeds we pollute ourselves (v43).
But in both scenarios, God is our Rescuer. In Ezekiel God brings us out of our idolatry and delivers us to a promised land (v42). In the Psalm, God is with us (v4) and lead us to the house of the Lord (v6).
And this journey is marked by God’s grace (I won’t deal with you according to your evil ways and corrupt deeds (Ez v44) and God’s goodness and mercy (Ps v6). 
Examine your life. Where do you think you are at on this journey? Still surrounded by enemies? Being rescued by God? Experiencing God’s grace and goodness? Living in the promised land/house of God?


  • When you think of your enemies are they mostly external or internal? 
  • Can you name a time in which God defeated an enemy for you? 
  • Have you ever shared that story with some else?


  • Knowing that God is our rescuer and has our back, how should that affect the way we are at school/work? 
  • What images come to mind when you think of God’s goodness (the Psalm mentions not being afraid, throwing a party, resting, an overflowing cup)?


God of the journey, continue to lead me in your ways. For I know that your ways will lead to where I want to go. Amen.