April 24, 2020

Good Choices

April 24, 2020


1 Peter 1:13-16


We have a children’s book in our home that was given to my daughter at her baptism. It’s the story of Jesus’ own baptism by John. There’s a line in the book said by John as he preaches to the people. He says, “Ask God to forgive all the bad choices you’ve ever made, live a better life, and the Kingdom of God will come closer.”

I love this so much because we’re big on choices and positive parenting in our household. I tell my daughter daily that God made her and God made her good. So she has every capacity to make good choices. When her behavior needs correction, we say, “We all make mistakes, but God made you so good! Let’s make better choices next time.”

Our scripture today says, “As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do;for it is written: ‘Be holy, because I am holy.’” May we all seek to live in the holiness God created for us and within us!


  • What choices have you made today? Did they make you holy? How can you make better choices tomorrow?


  • What does holiness look like? Draw a picture or use playdough to make something holy. 


Holy God, you have made us to seek you and to seek a holy life. Help us, Lord, for you have made us good. Amen.