August 15, 2020

A Simple Slip

August 15, 2020


Luke 4:13 – “When the devil had finished every test, he departed from him until an opportune time.”


While most died, attempting “going over Niagara Falls,” one Englishman survived it in a barrel. Years later, he had a horrendous injury from slipping on a banana.

Oh, yes, I had significant success in life, my work, and my family, overcoming many obstacles and gigantic waterfalls. Yet, the most intense pain came when I slipped on simple temptations that I could have avoided. Even when I looked at the temptations and knew they were temptations, I slipped on them anyway.

One thing that God will not do is undo the thoughtless hurtful words I said and the non-Christ-like things I did. Oh, if only I had not fallen into temptation!

There is one more thing that God will not do: God will not stop loving me. While God and I can’t change the past, we can go forward into the future, and even face the slippery banana peels of temptations.

Also, God will not stop loving you!


What new “slippery” temptation might you be facing today? Go through the same six steps as yesterday.

  1. Acknowledge the temptation to Jesus, naming it for what it is, “a temptation.”
  2. Admit to Jesus that we are powerless over some temptations, and you need Christ’s help.
  3. Turn the temptation over to Jesus, letting him help you with it.
  4. Do what you know Jesus wants you to do with the temptation, and walk forward, following Jesus.
  5. Seek someone who might help you deal with this temptation.
  6. Be aware that you’ll need to start this process again when the devil finds a more opportune time to tempt you.


Lord Jesus, thank you for leading me to this time with you. Again, I lift up the blessings you provide me today. (List three or more.) Holy God, please help me with these concerns. (List those concerns on your heart that the Holy Spirit brings to mind.) While I do not know how you will answer my requests, I know you will. Now, Lord, I confess these temptations to you. (List them, going through the above six steps). May your Holy Spirit surround me such that your love and grace flow in and through me. In your gracious name, I pray. Amen.