December 15, 2020

An Old Woman and a Young Girl

December 15, 2020


Luke 1:13-25 Elizabeth

Luke 1:26-38 Mary

Luke 1:39-56 Elizabeth And Mary


Continuing in Silence And Other Surprising Invitations Of Advent [2012], Enuma Okoro writes “In truly stunning fashion, God orchestrates Mary and Elizabeth’s pregnancies six months apart.  It is a testament to God’s provision that each woman has someone to journey with as she navigates the peculiar season in which she finds herself.”

“A proactive way of embracing our waiting seasons comes in seeking out the company and encouragement of those whose spiritual lives bear witness to the depth and breadth of holy imagination needed to wait on God.”

“Advent seems as much a time to dwell in holy friendship as a time to wait on God.  Ultimately we are called into friendship with God, and we imitate this divine call to friendship as we practice sharing ourselves and our stories with one another.” 

“Spiritual discernment and faith within community are necessary elements in perceiving and receiving holy interruptions…the movement of God that interrupts our life plans but ultimately bringing order to our lives.  Part of the discernment is listening for the invitations, both the unexpected and those coming from existing circumstances and relationships. Embracing God’s invitations and disruptions will often, if not always, require our courage and trust.  Fear and uncertainty do not occur only in the face of perceived danger. These feelings can also arise in the face of invitations that might call us to step out of our comfort zones.”


Sit quietly during this season and prayerfully reflect on friends who: 

  • Remind us who we are
  • Challenge us to live into who we are called to be
  • Accept us at every stage of the journey
  • Mirror God’s love and patience on our lives

How do we offer these gifts to others?


  • Imagine the conversations between Mary and Elizabeth as they companion one another during their pregnancies. Role play one or two of these interactions or write a short script.


Holy God, you call us to be in community, side by side…shoulder to shoulder…face to face.  During this Advent, make us available to one another.  Heighten our awareness of the person next to us in line or behind us in the pew.   Let the list in our hands hold the names of folks we hope to bless…as we wait together as if new, the birth of Jesus.  Amen.