April 21, 2021

Behind the Veil

April 21, 2021


Mark 9:14-29


In his modern classic, Simply Christian: Why Christianity Makes Sense, scholar N.T. Wright says this:

“Jesus is, at the moment, present with us, but hidden behind that invisible veil which keeps heaven and earth apart, and which we pierce in those moments, such as prayer, the sacraments, the reading of scripture, and our work with the poor, when the veil seems particularly thin. But one day the veil will be lifted; earth and heaven will be one; Jesus will be personally present, and every knee shall bow at his name; creation will be renewed; the dead will be raised; and God’s new world will at last be in place, full of new prospects and possibilities.”

Paul says what we only see in a mirror dimly will one day be clear.  May our prayer be that every day, we see and know Jesus more deeply than the day before, and that we would love as he loved more and more every day, until the veil is torn and we see the whole picture.


  • What characteristics of Jesus do I see most in my own life?
  • How does our dim view of reality affect our ability to love in the way Christ calls us to love?


  • What is your favorite parable that Jesus told?


Lord, may we see you more clearly every day.  May our hearts be open to others just as yours was.  And may we help bring your Kingdom to earth as it is in Heaven.  Amen.