October 11, 2021

The Least Likely Leader


Psalm 119:113-128

Acts 27:13-38


Paul’s journeys through the closing chapters of the Book of Acts are miraculous accounts of God’s provident grace in the midst of trial, hardship, and disaster.

Paul, a Jewish/Christian prisoner, is the least likely to take the reins of leadership on a Roman ship, and yet this is exactly the position God places him in when the ship runs into a disastrous storm. Paul’s faith is an encouragement to the ship’s crew and, in his faith, they see their only hope for survival.

After two weeks at sea without food, Paul encourages the men of the ship to eat and, in doing so, reenacts the Lord’s Supper for them. These pagan men find grace and survival in the remembrance of what Christ has done.

Whether you come to the Lord’s Table from a place of disaster and survival, or a place of abundance and plenty, come expecting miracles. Because when we remember what Christ offered to us on the cross, experiencing the ordinary is never an option.


  • How is it with your soul this week? 
  • What actions can you take this week to be prepared to experience God at the Lord’s table in worship?


  • What is the most meaningful time of communion you have ever experienced?


God, this week, prepare our hearts and minds to meet you at your table. Build up our faith so that we might serve and be served. In Jesus’ name, Amen.