November 11, 2021

Spending Wisely


1 Timothy 6:11-21


Have you ever played the game where you are given an imaginary sum of money — like a million dollars — and you have to come up with ways to spend it? Maybe you give some to your favorite charity, or you buy a fancy boat and a couple of new cars. Maybe you pass it on to your children or grandchildren. It’s easy to imagine ways to spend imaginary money, but what about the real financial resources you have? Whether they are great or small, you must make decisions every day about how to spend them.

Today’s passage gives us good advice about how to spend our financial resources. In verse 18 we are told “to be rich in good deeds and to be generous and willing to share.” And the passage goes on to say, “In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life” (v. 19, NIV). When we invest our financial resources in the lives of other people, we find that we are investing in “the life that is truly life.” Not just more stuff that will eventually break or get thrown out, rather we are laying up treasure that will never become obsolete — the treasure of helping our fellow humans.


  • When is the last time you’ve taken a close look at how you spend your money?
  • Does your bank statement reflect your most treasured values?
  • What needs to change and what needs to stay the same?


  • Ask your parent or other trusted adult to help you find two jars and make labels for them that say, “For Me” and “For Others.” As you earn money or receive money for gifts, decide how much money you will put in each jar. As time goes on, watch the stack of money grow. Decide when you’ll spend the money on yourself and when and to whom you’ll give your “For Others” money. 


Generous God, thank you for allowing us to have financial resources. Give us wise and generous hearts to invest wisely and share with open hands. Amen.