December 4, 2021

Word and deed


Mark 11:27-33


Have you ever had your integrity at work questioned?  Have you ever been accused by a friend or neighbor of something you didn’t do?  It’s pretty awful especially when you are trying to live with honesty and faithfulness.  In the Advent and Christmas season, I often get so caught up in the excitement of Church activities and festiveness of the season that I forget that there are plenty of people that are still questioning who Christ is like Jesus is questioned in the Mark 11 passage.  They may have been hurt by the people in churches they grew up in or see the Church as hypocritical.  Whatever it is, I find that this time of the year is a great time to share your faith with others both in word and deed.  It’s a great time to share your perspective on Christmas as a Christian that goes beyond decorations, hot cocoa, and gifts, but is about the hope, love and peace that comes through our Savior Jesus Christ.


  • How can you share your faith with someone else this Advent?
  • Are you questioning the authority of Jesus as Christ?  If so, what are your questions about who He is?  Come talk to or email a pastor at church to explore some of your questions! We would love to hear from you.


  • How can you tell some of your friends about Jesus and what Christmas is really about?


Loving and gracious God, give me courage to share my faith with others this Christmas season.  As people are in the mood of sharing and caring, help me to share what the sharing and caring is really about- Christ.  Give me the right words to say and the right deeds to do and help me to know that though my words will never be perfect, You will continue to grow the seeds that I plant for Christ.  Amen.