December 6, 2021

If you lead Lord, I will follow


Psalm 25:1-10


The Psalm in today’s reading shows us how David expresses his desire for guidance, and that the Lord leads “with unfailing love and faithfulness all who keep his covenant and obey his demands” (v. 10). The question becomes, how do we receive God’s guidance in our lives? What does this look like? The key lies in our desire to be guided, and one way we can receive this guidance is through the study of God’s Word. Psalm 119 tells us of the endless knowledge that we can find in God’s Word and how this wisdom will give direction to our lives.

As we begin this season of Advent and look forward to an upcoming new year, let us commit ourselves to be led by God. Through the wisdom we gain in the study of His Word and obedience to God’s commands, we will surely receive the guidance that we seek. We need only to listen and follow.


  • In Psalm 25, David asks God for direction. How can we differentiate between a prayer for direction and a desire to demand answers from God? 


  • Have you ever had a problem and did not know what to do? Did you know that you can ask God for help? When we pray and study the Bible, we receive lessons from God and this can help us figure out what to do.


Gracious and Holy God, I invite you to lead me in your way of righteousness each and every day. For you are my salvation and I will trust in you and not be afraid.