January 10, 2022

Saying yes to God’s Call


Mark 1:14-20


Every time I read this section of Mark, I can’t help but to imagine what was going through the heads of the apostles when Jesus approached them as fishermen. He tells them that they will become fishers of men, which they had no clue as to what that meant. Yet, they listened to this stranger, left all that they had, and followed. The question becomes, how do we say “yes” to God’s call? How do we know what we are called to do or become?

Methodist Bishop Reuben Job writes, “Regularly practicing disciplines of the holy life puts us in position to hear God’s call clearly. Those disciplines include prayer, fasting, community and personal worship, acts of mercy and compassion, and faithful living.” He further explains, “Hearing is an important step in saying yes to God’s call. But once we hear, we must still decide whether we will go where invited or sent. In other words, hearing may be the easy part of God’s call.” 

Bishop Job further explains, “In my experience the right answer is always yes [to God’s invitational call]. The good news is that even when I was unable to give the right answer, God was patient and gave me opportunity to grow in faith until I was able to say yes and claim another part of my inheritance as a child of God.”

For me, I remember sensing a call to full time seminary but I tried to rationalize why this was not feasible. I have a wife and four children to help support and felt this just was not for me. As soon as I prayed and acted on what I was sensing, everything fell into place! The more I listened when I prayed, the more I realized the gift that was being offered. If I kept saying no, I would close the door on an invitation to transform myself and align myself with God’s call for my life.


  • What prevents you from saying “yes” to God’s call in your life? What do you think God is calling you to do or become in this new year?


  • Do you ever feel like God is asking you to do something? What do you do when you feel this way?


Holy and loving God, grant to us the grace to discern your will for our lives. Give us the faith and courage to say “yes”, and to know that in taking that leap of faith, nothing will ever separate us from you and your love for us.