There will be only one service on Sunday, January 12, at 11 a.m. due to the winter weather. Join us in person or online.

January 17, 2022

May Peace Reign


Luke 19:41-44


This morning I glanced through some headlines in the news.  Far too many of them spoke of war, violence and genocide. In this passage in Luke, Jesus has just made his triumphant entrance into Jerusalem and as he looks around, he is moved to tears.  In the midst of his weeping, he says, “If you, even you, had only recognized on this day the things that make for peace!”  I am sure Jesus would have a similar reaction to our world today even here in the United States.  Why are we often so quick to move to violent words or actions or fail to speak out against them when Jesus calls for peace?  I can find myself almost totally overwhelmed with all of the headlines, weeping like Jesus did over the death-dealing evil of the world.  However, I do find comfort in that Jesus cares so much as to weep for us.  God wants something better for us.  In the end, Jesus isn’t calling us to remain in our comfort zones, but calls us to respond with messages and actions of peace.  


  • What is your response when you hear about war and violence in the news?  
  • If you feel like you skim by, how could you pray or go about making and embodying peace in our world?


  • What kind of things do you hear about in the news?
  • When you hear about war or violence, how do you feel?
  • How do you think God calls us to respond to violence?


Prince of Peace, Mighty God, we pray for peace in our world.  Where there is violence and division, bring reconciliation and unity.  Give us creative minds and spirits to address conflict with Your love and grace.  I pray for the people of our church, community, and world that experience violence in all its forms and pray that Your peace may reign in their lives. Lord, make us your peacemakers.  Teach us what this means.  Amen.