January 29, 2022

Walk By Faith


Matthew 14:22-33


Over five hundred of us were at a small group training event for youth ministry. At one point, the leaders read Matthew 14:22-33 about Peter walking on water. Our leader asked, “If you were to get out of your boat of security and walk on the water of faith, what would you dare do, knowing that, if you failed, Jesus would be there to save you?” 

One of our group said, “I am an A student, but I’m making C’s. My next step is to make A’s like I know I can!” 

Another said, “I’ve wanted to stop smoking for years, but I didn’t ask God to help me.” He reached into his pocket, threw cigarettes on the floor, saying, “By faith, I’m asking God to help me kick the habit.” 

One said, “My first reaction when I hear a proposal or see a family member do something is to be critical. I’m going to take the step of faith to be encouraging instead of discouraging.”

Another shocked us, saying, “Originally, I planned to go home and ask for a divorce. Now, with God’s help, I’m going home to make our marriage holy and sacred.” 

Later, I learned, all of these people succeeded.

Because I believed that I was walking by faith, my goal was to get back into the boat and help people get out of their boat of security and walk on faith! Forty-five years later, I’m still trying to meet this goal. But when I failed or became doubtful like Peter, Jesus was there to help.


  • Describe some times you left your “boat of security” and took a step of faith. How did it feel if you succeeded? How did it feel if you failed? If you failed, how did God help you go forward?
  • Describe some times you did not take your step of faith, later realizing that you should have done so. How did that feel? How has God helped you afterward?
  • To what step of faith might God be calling you today? If you know with God’s help you will succeed, why not take the step? If you discover you failed, know that Jesus will help you get back into the boat.


  • Describe an incident in which you were afraid, but you did it anyway. How did it feel to succeed? To fail?
  • Answer the “Questions for the Field” topic.


Dear loving, gracious God, thank you for all of the many blessings you give us. Lord, there are things I know you want me to do which are also scary. Please help me take steps of faith to succeed in doing your will through these efforts. In your gracious name, I ask. Amen!