March 7, 2022



Luke 4:1-13

You know when you’ve read a scripture numerous times, and then suddenly, you realize something you’ve not noticed before? Yes, it happens to me, too. 

Jesus was led into the wilderness… BY the Holy Spirit, where He was then tempted for 40 days. Wow.

In my very limited, human perspective, it might cause me to scratch my head as I wonder why the Spirit would lead Jesus into the wilderness, only for Him to be incessantly tempted by the devil for 40 days. FORTY DAYS! I wonder if Jesus even once questioned the guidance of His Father in this. 

Have you ever felt as if the Lord clearly led you into a situation, a job, a relationship that you are totally excited about…only to wonder, in retrospect, how the unfortunate circumstances in which you now find yourself could have ever been the Lord? You may be asking Him, “Was that really You, God?” 

And yet, I have found the sweetest moments with Jesus have been in the wilderness, in the valley. My go-to question for the Lord during these times is, “What are You trying to teach me through this?” I may not always have clear understanding in the midst of it all, but is He good all the time? Yes. Is He kind and faithful? Always. 

Looping back to wondering if I think Jesus ever questioned His Father’s leading Him into the wilderness… I dare say He did not… as He trusted fully and completely in His Father’s love for Him throughout this wilderness journey. May it be said of us as well… that we trusted fully and completely in the love of our Father through it all. Hallelujah. 


What have you been taught in the valley experiences? How has it been used to grow you up in the Lord?