March 9, 2022



Luke 4:1-13

We’re all familiar with the pre-flight safety routine – the one that instructs passengers to put on their oxygen mask first before assisting children or other passengers. This demonstration reflects the values of the world. We are often told to take care of ourselves first – make sure your wants, needs, and desires are fulfilled – then consider where you might fit caring for others into your schedule or budget. While we cannot help fellow passengers during crisis without the vital oxygen supplied by the mask, sometimes we’re too focused on our own situation to help those around us and trust God will bring us to safety. 

This thinking is counter to the Gospel. In each of the three temptations, the devil entices Jesus with Worldly desires, ones that whisper, “Shouldn’t you put yourself first as you prepare for your ministry?” But Jesus responds with scriptures highlighting God’s countercultural way, one that does not need the world to take care of him, because God has already promised to meet all his needs. 

God’s way encourages us to put the needs of others above our own. God’s way encourages us to consider our neighbor, those who are hungry, unhoused, sick, or experiencing poverty. God’s way calls us into action. 

This call does not come with a contingency plan. Instead, it demands our obedience. 


Take some time in prayer and specifically call to mind those in our community who are currently experiencing food insecurity. Ask God to reveal how you are being called to best serve your neighbor this month as we focus on addressing the hunger crisis locally and globally.