March 12, 2022



Luke 4:1-13

Right before Jesus is in the desert, he is baptized in the Jordan river by John the Baptist. Immediately following the baptism, Jesus is driven out into the desert for 40 days and nights. Instead of getting to start his ministry, Jesus is out where there is nothing but stillness and rest. I am sure that like many of you, after graduating from college, you were ready to take on the world. Or after getting a new phone, you were ready to use it immediately. After buying a plane ticket, you are eager to take the trip. As you can imagine, Jesus is ready to start his ministry – to heal the sick, to care for the poor, to cast demons out – but instead he is experiencing temptation and hunger as the devil tempts his Holy power.

In the last few hours of Jesus being in the desert, he says something very fundamental, “Human beings do not live by bread alone.” Maybe that’s why he was driven to the desert. To find out what it means to be human, to realize that while hunger is sharp, spiritual hunger is more dangerous. Practicing Sabbath and finding stillness with God is essential in our spiritual beings.   


This Lenten season we have the challenge to deny ourselves in a different way. To deny our need to be busy, our need to prove our worth, our need to be in charge. We are being challenged to make Sabbath our Lenten practice. 

“Because Sabbath says: you are not God. You are dust. Beautiful, holy, beloved mortal. God smears your forehead – smears ash across your worrying brow and whispers ‘you are mortal, let me be God.’” – Josephine Robertson