April 2, 2022



Luke 15:1-3; 11-32b

The Prodigal Son is one of my favorite parables because it really puts the love and grace of the father on display. The son believes he is no longer worthy of his father’s love, but his father exclaims how happy he is to have his son back and throws a celebratory feast in his honor. Similar to the prodigal son, there are moments in each of our lives that we are called back into the loving arms of God whether we feel worthy or not. We can choose to rest in this promise: no matter how far we may wander, we are always wanted, loved, and longed for. There is nothing more that we can do but return and rest in the arms of God.  

When was the last time you considered God’s grace and rested, knowing that there is nothing you can do to earn it? God asks us to sit and be still, to rest. There are many ways we can rest and experience God’s presence and embrace. Sometimes I enjoy being in a quiet space, in nature if possible, and walking around enjoying the fresh air and creation around me. Other times resting looks like laying down and simply being still.  


Sabbath means rest, and as simple as it sounds, resting does not always come easy to everyone in today’s world. Commit to spending a part of your day in rest. Find a quiet place to recite this breath prayer either out loud or in your head. Breathe in while reciting the first line, and then breathe out reciting the second line. Repeat as many times as you’d like. 

“I once was lost,

But am found by you.” 


We are recruiting individuals to help write our daily field guide devotionals. If you are interested in writing one weekly devotional, please contact Jason Alteri at jalteri@bumc.net.