April 1, 2022



Luke 15:1-3; 11-32b

This passage comes right before Jesus teaches some very familiar parables. Before launching into those teachings, this passage gives us the perspective that those listening were doubtful of Jesus because he gave his time and opened his table to sinners. The parables that follow outline the willingness to leave the 99 to go find the one, the delight of finding just one lost coin, and the return of a son. Jesus was mocked for his willingness to spend his time with even one person that was different than the socially accepted norm.   

I often find it hard, especially when I am busy, to be fully present in a conversation. I must remind myself to actively listen and be present in the moment. Jesus was willing to sit and be present with crowds, but also made it known that he would sit and spend time with one person. How can our full presence, our willingness to listen, be a witness to who God is in our lives? We know from this passage and the parables that follow that it’s part of God’s nature to fully invest in one person when needed. Let our full presence speak as a witness to the God willing to eat with sinners and chase after the one lost.   


Who is one person you know could use a listening ear and your full presence for a bit? Set up a coffee, a lunch, or a walk with them.   


We are recruiting individuals to help write our daily field guide devotionals. If you are interested in writing one weekly devotional, please contact Jason Alteri at jalteri@bumc.net.