April 6, 2022



John 12:1-8

BUMC’s missional emphasis for the month of April is healthcare. Did you know BUMC partners with several ministries, both locally and globally, dedicated to providing accessible healthcare to those in need? 

Give Ye Them To Eat (GYTTE) is a social outreach project in Tlancualpican, Mexico. Their community and family health program, “More Than a Bandage,” is designed to address the health needs of rural communities, and to educate on prevention and treatment. You can learn more at gytte.org. 

Siloam Health is a medical clinic here in Nashville. Their mission is to share the love of Christ by serving those in need through healthcare. They primarily serve immigrants and refugees, empowering these individuals beyond the four walls of the clinic. 

Angels’ Care Centre in South Africa provides healthcare and regular physicals to indigent and impoverished children and families in their community, as well as providing food, blankets, and clothing. 

This week’s passage reminds us that Jesus was prepared for death. He willingly chose the way of the cross so that we may have life. And not just any life, but life abundant. A life full of health and wholeness. Part of our Christian witness is to work to ensure access to adequate healthcare for those without. 


Close your eyes. Bring to mind one of the three organizations mentioned above, in Mexico, Nashville, or South Africa. Which one is God inviting you to engage more with? Reach out to the BUMC missions department to get more information about how you can get involved with their work. 


Are you inspired by the Daily Field Guide devotions each week? You can inspire others in the congregation with your reflections on God’s word by becoming a Field Guide author! Contact Jason Alteri at jalteri@bumc.net to learn more.