May 6, 2022

Gifts by a Lake


Matthew 5:1-12

One cold November afternoon I was walking around a lake in a beautiful mountain town. I was just coming to the end of my walk around the frigid gray water when I approached an older gentleman carrying a Ziploc bag full of bird seed. He walked down to the water’s edge where a flock of ducks had gathered and a few were paddling in the shallow water.

The moment the ducks saw him open the bag and begin to throw seed out, I heard a mighty rush of wings. The ones swimming literally ran on top of the water, their feet skimming the surface, their wings flapping frantically. They clustered around the man, each one jostling for a better position around his legs.

The man bent down and fed some of the braver ones out of his hand and scattered seed around him so that all could partake.

In that chilly, overcast, November moment I saw that man as a symbol for Christ, flinging blessings and grace out to a needy crowd. I saw myself as one of the hungry ducks, racing to my Lord to receive the good gifts that he was so generously and joyfully sharing with anyone who would come.


  • What would happen in your spiritual life if you approached your devotional time with the expectant joy of the ducks on the lake?
  • How can you cultivate this sense of expectancy in your own practice of worship and devotion?


  • Ask your parents or other trusted adult to take you to a petting zoo where you can feed the animals. Notice how they react when you offer them food. Can you imagine feeling that way when you read the Bible or go to church? Ask God to give you a hunger for his Word.


Loving God, thank you for creating in us a hunger and thirst for your Word. Help us to come to you with expectant hearts, eager to be in your presence and willing to accept your gifts of grace and love. Amen.


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