May 16, 2022



Leviticus 19:9-10 (CEB)
Thousands of years ago God gave 613 laws to Moses for the Hebrew people in order for them to have a covenant with Him. Some of those laws were not intended to be timeless, but rather were for a people living in a specific time, culture, geographical and religious context. The laws were given to guide God’s people in how they would live distinctly, displaying the wisdom and justice of God among the nations around them (Deuteronomy 4:6-8).

However, some, like today’s scripture, have transcended the centuries and provide us guidance…right now where we are, like today’s scripture. God commanded the Hebrews to leave plenty of grain and grapes from their harvests for the poor, the strangers, and the widows. This command is meaningful for us now, as we think how we can provide grapes and grain to those around us who need our time, our resources, and our love. The difference is we have a choice to share, not a command to so. But we still have to take the first step. 


  • For you and your family today: You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.  What will be your first step to sharing grapes and grain? 


Dear loving Father who provides our every need, thank you for opportunity you give us every day to take the first step to help others.  In your holy name. Amen.