June 3, 2022

Coming Under the Reigns of

June 3, 2022


Philippians 4:5 – “Let your gentleness be known to everyone.”


My grandfather kept ponies for my siblings and me when we were young children. Yes, we loved riding these gentle ponies.

One Sunday, my grandfather put our one-year-old sister in the saddle of the largest pony and gave it the command to walk around the riding rink. I was terrified for her, fearing that the pony might start running, causing my sister to fall off. Yet, all was well because this was a very gentle pony.

The word “gentle” comes from a root word that means “come under the reigns of.” So, it did not matter who the rider was; all our ponies were gentle, coming under the rider’s reigns.

Paul says, “Let your gentleness be known to everyone.” In Galatians 5, Paul lists “gentleness” as part of the fruit of the Holy Spirit.

The implication is obvious. When we come under the reigns of Christ’s Holy Spirit, we have a gentle spirit that can permeate even the most difficult of situations and people.

If it is true that it’s easier to catch flies with honey rather than vinegar, it’s also true that it’s easier to deal with difficult people and situations with gentleness. Living a gentle life also leads to peace that passes all understanding.


  • What are your thoughts about today? People you will encounter? Tasks on your schedule?
  • May the Christ’s Holy Spirit guide you in being gentle in all that you do and with all the people you encounter?


Dear most loving, gracious God, may people experience your gentleness through me. In your gracious name, we ask. Amen.