November 1, 2019

All Saints Day

November 1, 2019


Luke 6:20-31
This weekend’s scripture: Acts 4:32-37


Let’s take a break from Acts 4 to celebrate All Saints Day!

On this day in the life of the Church, we celebrate the cloud of witnesses that have gone before us. We remember our own loved ones who have passed on, as well as the lives and work of all those believers who have paved the way for our own ministry. We also remember that we have come from dust, and to dust we shall return. It is the great cycle of life, and death, and new life. 

In honor of this day, today we will practice visio divina, an ancient practice of “divine seeing” that invites us to consider what God might be speaking to us through a prolonged period of pondering an image.

Begin by reading Luke 6:20-31. Then take a few moments to really look at the picture below. Let your eyes linger on whatever image, color, or person attracts them. Don’t worry about why you’re choosing something, just go with your instinct. When you have chosen a particular area of the image, ask yourself the following:

  • What emotions are evoked in you as you look at this part of the image? Sit with those emotions a few minutes.
  • What thoughts or questions arise? (Don’t worry about answering them, just acknowledge them.)
  • Is this image leading you into a conversation with God? If so, enter into prayer and ask God to be present with you while you continue pondering the entire image.
  • Feel free to write down any thoughts or prayers this practice inspires in you.
  • End in a few moments of silence, giving thanks to God for your time together. 


  1. Who are the modern saints in your life that guide you in your faith, that boldly proclaim the good news with their words and actions? Name them and give thanks for them.
  2. Who are the saints who have gone before you that have influenced your faith journey? Name them and give thanks for them.


  1. Take time to remember anyone your family has lost such as grandparents, family or friends, even pets. Remember what you loved about them. Talk about what you learned from them. Discuss how you are different today because of their lives.


God, we are so thankful for our cloud of witnesses. We are so grateful for their lives and ministry, and how we learned more about who you are from their presence in our lives. We pray now that their memory lives on in us, and that we take their lessons and apply them to our own ministries, as we seek to transform your world one neighbor at a time. Amen.