January 23, 2020

God’s Kingdom Among Us

January 23, 2020


Luke 17:20-21

This weekend’s reading:Ecclesiastes 1:1-18


One time, I was sitting at a red light on my way to a local coffee shop. I was listening to the radio and waiting for it to turn green when I got rear-ended. My first thought was, “I really don’t have time for this.” But, I put my car in park and got out to assess the damage and meet the person responsible. Before I could get to the back of my car he ran up to me and started talking a mile-a-minute: “I’m so sorry! Are you ok? I was distracted. I’m having a really hard time. I’m actually going to turn myself into jail. I’ve made some bad choices.” Then, as if I needed proof, he lifted his pant leg to show me the ankle monitor! I was stunned.

Then he ran to the back of my car and announced happily that there was no damage! And before I could go around to see it for myself, he was hugging me! I couldn’t help but laugh. So I went to see the damage and he was right – there was none. And when he saw how relieved I was, he started hugging me again – this time, bouncing up and down!

Two strangers in a situation that should have been stressful, irritating, and terribly inconvenient. Instead, that encounter was, for me, a sign that the kingdom really is already among us. Love and joy and celebration. Understanding and gentleness and compassionate concern. Friendship and warmth and well wishes. All between two people at a surprise run-in at a red light.

I think it’s true that God’s kingdom is already among us. Everywhere light overcomes darkness and life beats death. We’ll know these signs of God’s kingdom when we see them. But we have to be open and looking and ready to receive them. Even at a traffic light.


  • Where have you seen signs that God’s kingdom is already among us?
  • How can you share the good news that God’s kingdom is at hand?


  • When have you been really joyful – happy – excited? How can you help someone else feel that way?


God, we give you thanks for signs of your kingdom here among us. For peace made between enemies, for the hospitality extended to a stranger, for food and drink shared with a neighbor, for acts of kindness for a loved one. Help me to see evidence around me that your kingdom is here. And help me be an agent of your kingdom in my community. Amen.