August 24, 2018

Dawn Is Coming

August 24, 2018


Romans 13:11-14
This weekend’s reading: Genesis 4:1-16


Paul encourages the church in Rome to hold fast to hope because the days aren’t always going to be bad. 
Scriptures like these remind us that just about every generation has felt they were facing the worst of what our fallen world could throw at it. 
Often times, I get on social media, or I read the news, and I feel the very same way.  Hate marches in our streets.  People struggle with addiction. Children are murdered in schools. Sin runs rampant.  How can we not be facing the worst a fallen world can throw at us?
And yet, Paul encourages the church in Rome, and he encourages us today, that there is an end to the darkness, and that the dawn is coming. 
How beautiful is that?  “The darkness of night is dissolving as dawn’s light draws near, so walk out on your old dark life and put on the armor of light.”
Praise God from whom all blessing flow.  Praise God all creatures here below.  Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts.  Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.  Amen.  


  • Do we truly believe the dawn is coming? 
  • Why or why not?


  • What does hope mean? 
  • Why do we want hope?


Lord, you are the light in the darkness.  May we trust that even in the scariest of moments.  Amen.