September 8, 2018

In Whom Do You Trust?

September 8, 2018


Psalm 146
This weekend’s reading: Genesis 11:1-9


Just as we began the week with a psalm, so we now close the week with a psalm. Psalm 146 is again a psalm of praise, and a call to remember who it is we put our ultimate trust in.

The psalmist warns, “Do not put your trust in princes, in mortals, in whom there is no help.” Often, when I find myself anxious or worried, it’s because I’m putting too much trust in myself or in others to be perfect, a task which none of us can live up to. I forget that it is only through Christ that I can do any good at all! When I remember that Christ is the one who gives me strength, I am renewed and my worry melts. For it is God who sets the prisoners free, opens the eyes of the blind, loves the righteous, watches over the strangers, and upholds the orphan and widow (verses 7-9). I am merely called to be God’s servant in these incredible tasks!


  • Re-read Psalm 146. What sticks out to you upon the 2nd reading?
  • Do you ever put too much trust in an authority figure? How do you re-center your trust in Christ?


  • As a family, talk about times when someone you trusted has let you down. Does Christ ever let us down?


Holy One, forgive us when we place our trust in ourselves, our bosses, our government, or anything else more than we trust in you. Remind us that you are the one doing the good things in Creation, and you call us to participate with you in your acts of goodness and mercy. Amen.