Posts by jhumphries

Dawn Is Coming

August 24, 2018 DAILY READING Romans 13:11-14This weekend’s reading: Genesis 4:1-16 FIELD NOTES Paul encourages the church in Rome to hold fast to hope because the days aren’t always going to be bad.  Scriptures like these remind us that just about every generation has felt they were facing the worst of what our fallen world could…

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Are We Awake?

August 23, 2018 DAILY READING 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11This weekend’s reading: Genesis 4:1-16 FIELD NOTES From The Voice Translation:“Now, brothers and sisters, you don’t need further instruction from us or anyone else for that matter regarding how the seasons and times will play out. That’s because you know the truth well enough. The day of the Lord will race onto the scene and surprise…

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August 22, 2018 DAILY READING Mark 8:14-21This weekend’s reading: Genesis 4:1-16 FIELD NOTES This is one of my favorite types of stories in the New Testament.  Here you have the disciples, who have witnessed some of the greatest miracles in human history, and they STILL don’t get it.  They STILL struggle with doubt.  They STILL…

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August 21, 2018 DAILY READING Psalm 101This weekend’s reading: Genesis 4:1-16 FIELD NOTES Let’s talk about personal accountability and integrity.  It’s often said that integrity is who we are when nobody’s watching.  What do you think of that?  You’re on a business trip in a city on the other side of the country.  You’re tired…

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August 20, 2018 DAILY READING 1 Kings 3:16-28This weekend’s reading: Genesis 4:1-16 FIELD NOTES Everyone knows the story of the two mothers bringing the baby to King Solomon.  It’s so pervasive in popular culture that one might even be forgiven for thinking it’s not actually in scripture.  What’s forgotten about this story often is the desperation…

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Famous Last Words

August 18, 2018 DAILY READING Psalm 1111 Kings 2:1-11John 4:7-26This weekend’s reading: Genesis 3:1-13 FIELD NOTES I have a friend who waited by the bedside of his wise old father, hoping to hear his meaningful last words. When they finally came, they were more on the practical side. “Change the filters on the furnace,” the…

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Be Wise About What Is Good

August 17, 2018 DAILY READING Psalm 1111 Kings 1:28-48Romans 16:17-20This weekend’s reading: Genesis 3:1-13 FIELD NOTES David decides to abdicate and place Solomon on the throne, giving thanks to God that he can see this son reign in his place. In the US we have little use for a monarchy, but still, we are fascinated…

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Filled with God’s Grace and Power

August 16, 2018 DAILY READING Psalm 1111 Kings 1:1-30Acts 6:8-15This weekend’s reading: Genesis 3:1-13 FIELD NOTES As old King David’s story continues, we meet an obscure character and possible answer to a Trivia question: Who is Abishag? Her job description is unusual, but David’s struggle to keep warm is understandable to anyone who has cared…

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The Ministry of Reconciliation

August 15, 2018 DAILY READING Psalm 572 Samuel 19:1-18John 6:35-40This weekend’s reading: Genesis 3:1-13 FIELD NOTES In 2 Samuel 19, we see David’s leadership abilities. First, he listens to advisors and weighs their counsel. In this case Joab speaks quite bluntly to him about his attitude and his need to reconcile the people—even the rebels—in…

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Grow in Grace and Knowledge

August 14, 2018 DAILY READING Psalm 572 Samuel 18:19-332 Peter 3:14-18This weekend’s reading: Genesis 3:1-13 FIELD NOTES Continuing King David’s story, we see him immobilized by the death of Absalom in battle as his rebellion is put down. David’s subjects rally round him, and his troops are waiting to be honored for the victory, but…

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