Posts by jhumphries

Congratulations! You’re in a Fiery Furnace!

January 8, 2018 DAILY READING Daniel 3:1-30 FIELD NOTES I used to hate being thrown into life’s fiery furnaces. Now, I am more likely to say, “I don’t like this Lord. Because you helped me before, I can’t wait to see how you are going to get me out of this mess.” Shadrach, Meshach, and…

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The Gift My Father Promised

January 5, 2018 DAILY READING Acts 1:1-5 Psalm 40: 1-11 This weekend’s reading:  Daniel 1:1-21 FIELD NOTES “When we attribute the Christian life from beginning to end to the Holy Spirit, we are indexing our lives to a divine personal agent who is capable of speaking, confronting, comforting, inspiring, encouraging, empowering, purifying, and the like.…

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I’m Delighted With You

January 4, 2018 DAILY READING Galatians 1:6-12 This weekend’s reading: Psalm 40: 1-11 FIELD NOTES “The whole Christian gospel could be summed up in this point: that when the living God looks at us, at every baptized and believing Christian, he says to us what he said to Jesus on the day of his baptism.…

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Empty Spectacle

January 2, 2018 DAILY READING Acts 8: 4-13This weekend’s reading: Psalm 89: 5-37 FIELD NOTES Simon the Sorcerer had been captivating the people for some time when Philip rolled into town. Where Simon offered up spectacle, Philip offered something different. Philip came in with healing, miracles, and most of all, the truth of Jesus Christ.…

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The Fence Around Our Yard

January 1, 2018 DAILY READING Acts 10: 44-48 This weekend’s reading: Psalm 89: 5-37 FIELD NOTES We see in this passage from Acts that the Holy Spirit has been poured out even on the Gentiles. This came as such a shock to those who had followed Christ, being that they and He were Jewish. God…

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December 31, 2017 SCRIPTURE READING Jeremiah 31:31-34 “The days are coming,” declares the Lord, “when I will make a new covenant with the people of Israel and with the people of Judah. It will not be like the covenant I made with their ancestors when I took them by the hand to lead them out…

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Sermon on the Mount II

December 30, 2017 DAILY READING Matthew 5:1-12 Psalm 33:12-22 This weekend’s reading: Jeremiah 31:31-34 FIELD NOTESFrom The Voice translation:      “And He began to teach them.     Jesus: Blessed are the spiritually poor—the kingdom of heaven is theirs.     Blessed are those who mourn—they will be comforted.     Blessed are the meek and gentle—they will inherit…

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December 29, 2017 DAILY READING Matthew 12:46-50 This weekend’s reading: Jeremiah 31:31-34 FIELD NOTESOk, yes, this is a strange passage. Jesus’ mother and brothers come to visit him. His disciples go to Jesus and inform him that his mother and brothers are there to see him. Rather than going to them, the writer says that…

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Praise Him!

December 28, 2017 DAILY READING Psalm 148 This weekend’s reading: Jeremiah 31:31-34 FIELD NOTESPraise the Eternal!All you in the heavens, praise the Eternal; praise Him from the highest places!All you, His messengers and His armies in heaven:     praise Him!Sun, moon, and all you brilliant stars above:     praise Him!Highest heavens and all you waters…

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Walking in the Light

December 27, 2017 DAILY READING 1 John 1:1-9 This weekend’s reading: Jeremiah 31:31-34 FIELD NOTESChrist is light. In Him, there can be no darkness. And yet, in this world, we know darkness well, don’t we? It pervades every aspect of our culture. From entertainment, to politics, to the way businesses are run—darkness it seems, is…

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