Posts by Michele Crater

Being Happy

DAILY READING Numbers 6 FIELD NOTES Recent studies have shown that depression and acute anxiety rates are on the rise, especially among youth and young adults starting at age 12.  The reasons are complex and complicated and I am far from a psychiatrist, but experts suggest that a lack of feeling deeper meaning and purpose in…

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Nothing Can Separate Us from the Love of Christ

DAILY READING Romans 8 FIELD NOTES When I was in high school, one of my absolute most favorite verses was found in Romans 8.  “Who will separate us from the love of Christ? Will hardship, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? No… For I am convinced that neither death, nor…

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The Best Kind of Relationships

DAILY READING 1 Corinthians 2:1-10    FIELD NOTES Have you ever had one of those deep, authentic, wonderful relationships with someone where you feel like you can share anything and you won’t be judged?  You are both willing to share the deepest longings, hurts, and joys of life with each other and laugh, cry, cringe, and just…

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We Are Like Kings

DAILY READING Psalm 4; Acts 3:1-10; Luke 22:24-30 FIELD NOTES In C.S. Lewis’s famous children’s novel, “The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe,” the four Pevensie children are told that one day the fabled land of Narnia will be ruled over by four benevolent, human kings. It turns out that the children will become those…

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Jesus, Lord, We Look to Thee

DAILY READING Psalm 4; Daniel 10:2-19; 1 John 2:26-28 FIELD NOTES  “Jesus, Lord, We Look to Thee” Words by Charles Wesley, 1749 Jesus, Lord, we look to thee;let us in thy name agree;show thyself the Prince of Peace,bid our strife forever cease. By thy reconciling loveevery stumbling block remove;each to each unite, endear;come, and spread…

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Right Teaching

DAILY READING Psalm 4; Daniel 9:1-19; 1 John 2:18-25 FIELD NOTES While the “antichrist” is sometimes associated with apocalyptic literature in the Bible (such as in the book of Revelation), here in 1 John 2:18-25, the writer is specifically talking about false teachers—literally, those who deny Christ. How does a Christian know what is good…

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The Mystery of Resurrection

DAILY READING Psalm 135; Isaiah 26:1-15; Mark 12:18-27 FIELD NOTES How could a person die and then rise again? For skeptics, this is the crucial question of Christianity. Of course, resurrection can’t be proven by logical means—it is a mystery to be accepted by faith. This question of resurrection is older, however, than even Christianity.…

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Songs to Remember

DAILY READING Psalm 135; Daniel 6:1-28; 1 John 2:12-17 FIELD NOTES What songs do you remember from your childhood?  Most children learn nursery rhymes and songs like “London Bridge is Falling Down” or “Itsy Bitsy Little Spider” at a very early age. Even for adults who haven’t heard or sung these songs in years, they…

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Trust and Obey

DAILY READING Psalm 135; Daniel 3:1-30; 1 John 2:3-11 FIELD NOTES Are we saved by grace, or are we saved by works? This theological question has been around a long time and is as important today as ever. The Reformation seemed to clear this up for us. Luther was certain: the church stands or falls…

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