Find Care

We offer many ways for you to find Christian care for a number of life's struggles. On this page, you'll find resources for emergency care, prayer requests, individual care, and group care. In the event of an emergency, contact the pastor-on-call at 615.969.3086. Please leave a message, and a pastor will call you back within 10-15 minutes.

There are also many ways to provide Christian care to our friends and neighbors in need. Learn more about ways you can serve.

Emergency Care

+ Pastor On Call

If you’re in need of urgent pastoral care (death of a family member, emergency hospitalizations, or other crises), please call the pastor-on-call at 615.969.3086. Leave a message, and a pastor will return your call within 10-15 minutes.

+ Domestic Violence

If you or someone you love is a victim of domestic violence, you are not alone. The YWCA 24-hour Crisis + Support Helpline is available 24/7 at 1.800.334.4628 or by texting 615.983.5170.

Prayer Requests

Click the button below to fill out our online prayer request and let us know how we can be in prayer for you. Public prayer requests are included in each week's prayer list for our church community to pray over.

Pastoral Care

If you are struggling and think you would benefit from one-on-one or group pastoral care, one of our pastors would be glad to connect with you. Let us know what's going on, and a pastor will follow up soon. These requests are confidential and will only be shared with our clergy.

Confidential Stephen Ministry Care Request

Stephen Ministers are lay Christians trained a minimum of 50 hours and supervised by clergy and trained Stephen Leaders to provide effective Christian care to others in our community (both BUMC members and non-members).

Stephen Ministers are not ordained pastors or counselors. Rather, they are specially trained persons who are gifted listeners and are available to walk with you during difficult times. Sometimes our pastors will recommend a Stephen Minister (male Stephen Ministers are assigned to men and female Stephen Ministers to women) to those who are struggling and in need of continuing, confidential, one-to-one care. The service is free and offered with no obligation. To learn more about Stephen Ministry at BUMC, click here.

Individual Care

  • Births + Adoptions

    Births and adoptions are listed in our worship service bulletins. The Sunday following a birth, a rosebud is placed on the baptismal font in honor of a newborn child. In the event of a birth or adoption to a church member’s family, please contact Cynthia Armstrong, Caring Ministries Administrative Manager, at

  • BUMC Counseling Center

    Independent counseling center on the BUMC campus

    The BUMC Counseling Center is a unique collaboration between Brentwood United Methodist Church and psychotherapists in private practice. The therapists at the BUMC Counseling Center are not employees of the church. They were recruited to relocate their practices to the Counseling Center in order to support BUMC's commitment to making mental health resources available for children, youth, adults, couples, and families in Williamson County and the surrounding communities.

  • Care When You Are Sick

    Being sick and needing surgery can be scary and stressful. Your pastors and caring ministries staff are honored to be with you in those anxious moments. We regularly visit our members who are hospitalized, in medical rehab, and under the care of hospice to check in, pray, answer questions, and help bear the burden of difficult times. We also love to share prayer shawls knit by our Prayer Shawl Ministry to bring a tangible source of comfort and peace.

    NOTICE: Due to HIPPA laws, hospitals do not inform the church when its members are admitted. If a member is hospitalized, moving to a rehab facility, transitioning to hospice care, or scheduled to have surgery, you must let the church know directly. When letting the church know, please also inform us if the patient will be listed under a name different than the one by which we know them. There are several ways you can let us know:

  • Domestic Abuse

    Domestic violence is not just about hitting. It can take many forms through the use of power and control. Abuse can look like coercion and threats, intimidation, isolation, minimizing or denying a partner’s feelings, and blaming the victim for abusive behavior. If you or a loved one are afraid of a partner’s temper, please feel free to contact one of our pastors or counselors:

    Rev. Casey Orr, 615.324.7244 or

  • GraceNotes Ministries

    Volunteers write to recipients once a month on a rotating basis and stationery is provided. Their job is to bring a little sunshine into the lives of those that may not see much of it these days. Email Caring Ministries to join the writing team or to request someone be added to our recipient list.

  • Partners in Hope

    If you are journeying through cancer or know someone who is, we would like to connect you with a network of others on that journey. Contact Weslee Hill to learn more.

  • Parish Nurse Ministry

    The Parish Nurse Ministry provides holistic health-related services to individuals, family members, and neighbors. Key services include counseling, patient advocacy, coordination of health-related education, connecting people with available community resources and nursing care facilities. All information shared is strictly confidential. Contact Dottie Campbell RN/BSN at to learn more.

  • Stephen Ministry

    Stephen Ministers are members of our church who have received extensive training and provide confidential, one-to-one Christian care to people who are dealing with health crises and other difficulties. They will listen, care, encourage, pray with and for you, and provide weekly support for you as long as your need persists.

Group Care

  • Adult ADHD/ADD Support Group

    First & Third Mondays, 6:30-8 p.m., Zoom only.

    Offers workshops for spouses of adults with ADHD/ADD. Contact Terry Huff at 615.627.4191.

  • Addiction Recovery

    We host several recovery meetings in the Buchanan House at BUMC. For the most current information about meeting schedules, we recommend visiting the following websites to find a meeting.

    If you would like to meet with a pastor or a member of our Caring Ministries Staff to discuss addiction and recovery, email Rev. Casey Orr at to take the next step.

  • Career Transitions

    Meets Mondays, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Buchanan House

    Career Transitions helps people who are in-between jobs or looking for a career change by offering weekly presentations focused on the latest job search techniques. This free community resource is led by business professionals who have expertise in Nashville's job market and contemporary job search techniques.

  • Dr. Petrie's Dementia Caregiver's Support Group

    Second Tuesdays of the month, 1 p.m., Room A389

    A support group for caregivers, friends, and family of persons with Alzheimer’s and other memory loss. Contact Patricia Person at to learn more.

  • Grief Care

    Suffering the death of someone we love is often shocking and almost always overwhelming. Our experience of grief in the last 2 years has been complicated by distance and isolation which has limited our outlets to process our experiences. Contact Rev. Casey Orr to learn more.

  • Memory Loss Caregiver Respite: The Sunny Day Club®

    Tuesdays from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.

    The Sunny Day Club is a fellowship group for those who are experiencing the early stages of memory loss.  Club members must be able to care for and feed themselves, or caregivers may remain with them to care for their needs during the meeting. Registration is required. Contact: Katie Anderson at 615-289-6001 or to sign up.

  • Widows Ministry

    Real talk, real support. This is a gathering for widows to find a safe place to share in the journey of the path of grief at the loss of their loved one. If you’ve recently entered the uninvited season of widowhood or have walked this path for some time, we would like to invite you to join us.  Please feel free to bring a friend who is also on this grief journey.