

June 7, 2022 DAILY READING Psalm 81Genesis 29:1-14 FIELD NOTES Just as Abraham sent his servant to find a wife for Isaac among his kinspeople in Haran, so Isaac sent his son Jacob to Haran to find a wife. One of the first people Jacob met when he arrived was Rachel – his cousin and the…

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Signs of Love

June 6, 2022 DAILY READING Psalm 81Genesis 24:1-27 FIELD NOTES Have you ever prayed this kind of prayer? “Lord, if you want me to ________ (fill in the blank), then give me this sign _________(fill in the blank.)” When we’re confused or unsure, we sometimes ask God to give us a specific sign so we’ll know…

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There Is Far More to Us!

June 4, 2022 DAILY READING Philippians 4:9 – “Keep on doing the things that you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, and the God of peace will be with you…” FIELD NOTES In 1528, Cabeza DeVaca and another man survived a shipwreck off the Florida coast. Native Americans found them and demanded…

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Coming Under the Reigns of

June 3, 2022 DAILY READING Philippians 4:5 – “Let your gentleness be known to everyone.” FIELD NOTES My grandfather kept ponies for my siblings and me when we were young children. Yes, we loved riding these gentle ponies. One Sunday, my grandfather put our one-year-old sister in the saddle of the largest pony and gave it…

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