
A House Divided

DAILY READING Matthew 12:22-32 FIELD NOTES We’ve all heard the cliché, “A house divided cannot stand.”  Often we use this phrase to call for unity.  Here, Jesus is talking to the Pharisees, defending against their claims that he performs his miracles under the power of Beezelbul, the prince of Demons.  Why would evil fight against evil, he…

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God’s Workmanship

DAILY READING Psalm 83:1-4 FIELD NOTES Who is against God?  It sounds harsh to say.  We want to believe everyone is God’s (and indeed God created and loves all of his children), but some of us actively disobey, and even seek to destroy the Kingdom of God.  These people sow hate instead of love.  They sow war instead of…

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God is Silent?

DAILY READING Psalm 83:1-4 FIELD NOTES In times of great strife, we often wonder, “Where is God?  Why is God silent?”  So often in times of trouble, we struggle with what we perceive to be the silence of God.  The Psalmist here begs for God to come to the defense. One can wonder though—is God’s perceived silence actually…

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Teach Me to Forgive

August 14, 2021 DAILY READING Genesis 50:15-26 FIELD NOTES I worked with inner-city youth for several years.  One day we were studying the story of Joseph.  When we arrived at this scene in Genesis, where Joseph forgives his brothers, several of the students were absolutely confounded.  Joseph’s brothers had betrayed him, imprisoned him, and sold him into slavery.  Several…

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God Hears Our Prayers

August 13, 2021 DAILY READING Psalm 138 FIELD NOTES What a beautiful vision of prayer we find in Psalm 138!  The Psalmist writes, “I give you thanks, O Lord, with my whole heart; before the gods I sing your praise…On the day I called, you answered me, you increased my strength of soul.”  Prayer is a gift…

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August 12, 2021 DAILY READING 1 Corinthians 6 FIELD NOTES For me, the passage today from I Corinthians is in many ways about forgiveness.  Paul is challenging the early church on their practice of taking lawsuits to the state instead of settling matters within the church community.  While some scholars will focus on how Paul understands the…

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August 11, 2021 DAILY READING Matthew 8:1-13 FIELD NOTES This passage in Matthew is a riveting story of power dynamics at play.  The Centurion is a powerful leader in the Roman government.  He points out that people do whatever he says whenever he says it.  His presence to Jesus’ followers would have been threatening and most likely fear-inducing.  Jesus…

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Do Not Boast

August 10, 2021 DAILY READING Romans 11:13-29 FIELD NOTES In today’s passage in chapter 11, Paul is asking the Gentile Christians in Rome not to “boast” over the Jews.  He says to remember that salvation comes not from a certain congregation or church, but from Christ.  I love that Paul juxtaposes the idea of boasting with pride…

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Holy Spirit

August 9, 2021 DAILY READING Psalm 130 FIELD NOTES I was having coffee this morning with a pastor from the Korean United Methodist Church.  We were discussing our beliefs and experiences of the Holy Spirit when our conversation led to a discussion on styles of worship.  He explained that in the Korean protestant tradition, there is a…

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