Vacation Bible School
Join us for an exciting journey to learn to trust God no matter what situation life brings!
Scroll down for FAQs about VBS, volunteering, and registration.
Who is able to come to VBS?
Vacation Bible School is for children who will have completed Kindergarten through 5th grade this school year (2024-2025)!
When is VBS?
Vacation Bible School is June 23-26 (Monday-Thursday) from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. with drop off beginning at 8:45 a.m. each day.
What time is VBS?
Vacation Bible School begins at 9:00 a.m. and ends at 12:30 p.m. on Monday-Thursday (June 23-26)
Drop off begins at 8:45 a.m.
What should I expect at VBS?
Come prepared for a fun week full of worship, Bible storytelling, crafts, science, recreation, music, and new friends! We can't wait to see how God works at VBS this year!
Can I volunteer?
Absolutely! It takes over 150 volunteers to make our Vacation Bible School successful each summer, and we would love to have you! All of our adult volunteers are background checked, safe sanctuary trained, and trained in their designated serving role. Sign up to volunteer and receive a discount code for registration. Youth volunteers (9th-12th grade) are welcome to sign up as well! All volunteer questions can be directed to Abby Deal at
How do I drop off my child?
Monday-Thursday: Enter through our narthex doors (facing the hand statue) and check your child(ren) in with one of our friendly VBS volunteers and staff. After checking in at our registration table, you will be directed to our 3rd floor where your child will join their crew in their homeroom and you can sign them in!
How do I pick up my child?
Pick Up begins at 12:30 p.m.
Monday-Wednesday: K-5th grade parents will pick up and sign out their child in their homerooms (where they were dropped off)
Thursday: Pick Up will be in our Chapel after our final worship.
Where should I park?
Enter through our Franklin Rd. or Williamsburg entrances and park in our south parking lot (by the hand statue) for easy access to our Sanctuary Narthex. From our Narthex, you will be directed to your child(ren)’s home room, located on our 3rd floor.
How much does it cost to attend VBS?
VBS is $20 per child with a discounted rate for our volunteers!
Where and when do I pick up my child's hat?
All pre-ordered hats will be available for pick up in your child’s homeroom on Monday.
Do you offer scholarships?
We would love for everyone in our community to be able to experience Vacation Bible School, so scholarships are available by request. Contact Ellen Garrett at with questions.
Will childcare be provided for volunteers?
We will have childcare for all of our volunteers' children ages 12 weeks to PreK. All questions regarding VBS childcare can be directed to Heather Rainey at
Will snacks be provided?
Snacks will be provided for all our participants (with special snacks for allergies) at 10:30 every morning during VBS. A list of snacks will be provided to parents prior to the week of VBS.
What about water bottles?
Children are welcome to bring their own water bottles, but they will be responsible for keeping up with them and not crew leaders. We will have water available at rec and water fountains around building!
Is registration still open?
Yes! Registration opens March 1 and will remain open until spots are filled.
Who do I direct registration questions to?
All registration questions can be directed to Kendall Yoder at