Email Subscriptions

Big List + Urgent Church Communications

Subscribe to our Big List to receive urgent church-wide announcements such as building closures, weather information, and BUMC program changes. The Big List shares important weekly information each Tuesday at 5 p.m.

Prayer Ministry Email

Receive the current prayer list in your email inbox each Wednesday. This list includes births and adoptions, those who grieve, those brought to our attention for a variety of concerns, and those journeying through cancer.

Daily Field Guide

The Daily Field Guide is a map for your life with Scripture, devotionals, and prayers every day of the week. Sent Monday – Saturday at 5 a.m.

Online with BUMC

Subscribe to Online with BUMC for weekly information on worship and other programming. Sent Thursdays at 5 p.m.

Missions & Outreach Newsletter

Subscribe to Missions & Outreach emails to learn about upcoming service opportunities and ways you can live out our mission to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

Notices of Members Passing

Any time a church member passes away, our Congregational Care team sends out an email notification of their death. This email includes a photo, service details, and a link to the obituary. Any BUMC member can subscribe to receive these notifications.

Pastoral eNote

Subscribe to our pastoral eNotes to receive messages from Dr. Davis Chappell.