Memorial Giving
Memorial giving is a wonderful and meaningful way to remember and memorialize our loved ones. Many friends and family members will choose to give a memorial gift in lieu of flowers.
If a family chooses, memorial gifts may be given to Brentwood United Methodist Church. These gifts make a powerful and immediate difference to the life and mission of the church. Undesignated memorial gifts are contributed to the operating budget for the year, supporting ongoing missions, programs, operations, and personnel. Designated memorial gifts can be given to specific ministries, programs, or departments.
Memorial gifts may be given to the Brentwood UMC Foundation. The Foundation exists to ensure the physical and spiritual well-being and presence of Brentwood UMC in the community for future generations. It achieves this by providing financial resources, fostering partnerships, and promoting charitable initiatives aligned with the Church's mission and values. The Foundation provides support for ongoing mission and ministry of BUMC, new ministry initiatives, and for our strategic ministry partners. The Foundation also supports annual undergraduate scholarships to BUMC youth and a seminary level scholarship to qualified students. To learn more about the BUMC Foundation, go to
If a family chooses to designate their loved one's memorial gifts, please notify the Caring Ministries Department ( or the Finance Department ( Memorial gifts to BUMC and the BUMC Foundation can be mailed to 309 Franklin Road, Brentwood TN, 37027 or be made through our online PushPay giving platform. If you choose to give through PushPay, please select Memorial Giving and indicate the name of the individual the donation is given in memory of in the memo field. If you have any questions or need assistance, please call the Finance Department at 615.324.8214.