
I purchase a gift for another as if I am purchasing that gift for Jesus. I ask, “What would delight her if she were Jesus? What would benefit him the most if he were Jesus?”

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Washing Hands

While needing to learn from our past, washing our hands of the success or failure of those experiences reduces the chance of unhealthy memories infecting the current encounters. It prepares us to be more fully present with the current encounter.

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Answer to Prayers

Jesus’ answers to our prayers usually are not what we expected; yet he has, and he will continue to help us move through our situations.

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The Kingdom of God is not one of talk, but of power. Power comes from action, and that action must follow suit to Christ.

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There is certainly a time for righteous anger. But we see time and time again, especially through Christ, that gentleness breeds a certain response from people like nothing else.

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