Not One Stone Will Be Left

November 30, 2019 DAILY READINGS Psalm 122Genesis 6:11-22Matthew 24:1-22This weekend’s scripture: Matthew 24:36-44 FIELD NOTES Matthew 24 (and its counterparts—Mark 13 and Luke 21) is sometimes called The Little Apocalypse (John’s Revelation being The Big Apocalypse) because of its end-time imagery and warnings.  Talking about the “End Times” can be scary.  Lots of harsh language about…

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November 29, 2019 DAILY READINGS Psalm 122Genesis 6:1-10Hebrews 11:1-7This weekend’s scripture: Matthew 24:36-44 FIELD NOTES Genesis 6:9 tells us that Noah was a righteous man, blameless in his generation.  Blameless: the Hebrew word, tamiym, comes from the verb: to be complete. One was of interpreting this word is to see blameless/completeness as being done or being…

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Incline Your Ear, Open Your Eyes

November 28, 2019 DAILY READINGS Psalm 122Daniel 9:15-19James 4:1-10This weekend’s scripture: Matthew 24:36-44 FIELD NOTES Just last week a child psychologist told me that every child needs to hear three things every day: I see you. I hear you. I delight in you.  In Daniel 9:15 we see the people of Israel confessing: We have sinned,…

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From Shame to Fruitfulness

November 27, 2019 DAILY READINGS Psalm 117Jeremiah 31:1-6Luke 1:1-4This weekend’s scripture: Matthew 24:36-44 FIELD NOTES The third great spiritual movement is from shame (or guilt or fear or barrenness or …) to fruitfulness (and rest and grace and love and security and …). In chapter 30 we heard Jeremiah proclaim the good news of freedom to…

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From Exile to Home

November 26, 2019 DAILY READINGS Psalm 117Jeremiah 30:18-24Revelation 22:8-21This weekend’s scripture: Matthew 24:36-44 FIELD NOTES From exile to home is another of the great spiritual movements. Exile is marked by hunger, persecution, poverty, and mourning.  Coming home is marked by feasting, acceptance, restoration, and joy.  In today’s passage (Jeremiah 30:18-22) we see God promise the gifts…

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From Slavery to Freedom

November 25, 2019 DAILY READINGS Psalm 117Jeremiah 30:1-17Revelation 21:5-27This weekend’s scripture: Matthew 24:36-44 FIELD NOTES Jeremiah 30:8 – On that day, says the Lord of hosts, I will break the yoke from off his neck, and I will burst his bonds, and strangers shall no more make a servant of him. From slavery to freedom is…

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Grateful Living

November 23, 2019 DAILY READINGS Psalm 16 (MSG)Luke 21:1-4This weekend’s scripture: 2 Corinthians 8 FIELD NOTES For today’s meditation, try the practice of Lectio Divina (Latin for “divine reading”) as explained by The Upper Room and see what God reveals to you through His Word.  Psalm 16 (From The Message translation) A David song. 16 1-2 Keep me safe, O God,    I’ve run for…

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