Sing a New Song

November 12, 2019 DAILY READINGS This weekend’s scripture: Luke 18:15-17 FIELD NOTES For today’s meditation, try the practice of Lectio Divina (Latin for “divine reading”) as explained by The Upper Room and see what God reveals to you through His Word. Psalm 98 (From The Voice translation) A song. 1 Compose a new song, and sing it to the Eternal    because of the…

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What is Your Story?

November 11, 2019 DAILY READINGS 2 Peter 1:16-21This weekend’s scripture: Luke 18:15-17 FIELD NOTES What have you been witness to?  What have you seen? Experienced?  Heard? What has God done in your life?  Anything at all?  Where have you seen God at work?  Where have you witnessed the goodness of God?   Go and tell the world. Be that light on the hill.  Be the spark…

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Great Is Thy Faithfulness

November 9, 2019 DAILY READINGS Psalm 127Ruth 4:18-22Mark 11:12-14, 20-24This weekend’s scripture: Philippians 1:3-11 FIELD NOTES “God is not only a divine person whom we can address in prayer, but also a wide living space. We human beings are giving each other space for living when we meet each other in love and friendship” (Jürgen Moltmann,…

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Bright Hope for Tomorrow

November 8, 2019 DAILY READINGS Psalm 127Ruth 4:11-17Hebrews 9:15-24This weekend’s scripture: Philippians 1:3-11 FIELD NOTES The Book of Ruth has a happy ending, but it is no fairy tale. No one waves a magic wand. The marriage of Ruth and Boaz came about because Naomi understood how things worked in those days, and she and Ruth…

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Home Economics

November 7, 2019 DAILY READINGS Psalm 127Ruth 4:1-10Romans 5:6-11This weekend’s scripture: Philippians 1:3-11 FIELD NOTES Psalm 127 begins with an image for God found throughout the Bible: God the Housebuilder and Homemaker. Hymns often address God as almighty King, Lord, and Ruler, names that have to do with God’s sovereignty, but the Bible begins and ends…

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God Faithfully Redeems

November 6, 2019 DAILY READINGS Psalm 18:20-30Ruth 3:8-18John 13:31-35This weekend’s scripture: Philippians 1:3-11 FIELD NOTES Ruth and Naomi were at a disadvantage in a culture where men determined the financial arrangements and the social customs, but they were clever women. They knew Boaz should be their “redeemer,” and they figured out a way to bring their…

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Finding Home

November 5, 2019 DAILY READINGS Psalm 18:20-30Ruth 3:1-7Acts 7:17-29This weekend’s scripture: Philippians 1:3-11 FIELD NOTES Today’s reading from Ruth centers on the act of “finding home,” especially crucial for Ruth who was a Moabite, not a Hebrew. For some of us, our home found us—caring family, food on the table, comfortable house, nice hometown, and close…

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Feeding the Five Thousand

November 4, 2019 DAILY READINGS Matthew 14:13-21This weekend’s scripture: Philippians 1:3-11 FIELD NOTES The feeding of the five thousand is the only miracle that is found in all 4 Gospels.It happened at the conclusion of a seminar Jesus conducted on discipleship.As the hour grew late, the disciples noted that the people were famished. When the disciples…

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