Nothing Can Separate Us from the Love of God in Christ Jesus

September 20, 2019 DAILY READINGS Psalm 79:1-9Jeremiah 8:1-13Romans 8:31-39This weekend’s scripture:Proverbs 17:19-22 FIELD NOTES Jeremiah saves the strongest rebuke for the leaders: they are all “greedy for gain”; they practice deceit; they have no shame—“they do not even know how to blush” (Jer 8:10, 12). The prophet’s concern is for God’s wounded people. The leaders…

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You Are Among Us, Lord, and We Bear Your Name

September 19, 2019 DAILY READINGS Psalm 79:1-9Jeremiah 12:14—13:11Romans 3:1-8This weekend’s scripture:Proverbs 17:19-22 FIELD NOTES Some of us grew up learning the catechism, likely one based on teachings of Luther or Calvin. Both have several questions in common. The one I remember asks, “What is the chief end of every human being?” Here “end” means purpose;…

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Prone to Wander

September 18, 2019 DAILY READINGS Psalm 94Jeremiah 14:1-10, 17-22Luke 22:31-33, 54-62This weekend’s scripture:Proverbs 17:19-22 FIELD NOTES A favorite Peanuts cartoon shows Charlie Brown grumbling about the unfairness of having a baseball game rained out, only to be instructed by Linus, who says: “Charlie Brown, you need to study theology. The Bible says, ‘The rain falls…

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A Horrible and Shocking Thing Has Happened

September 17, 2019 DAILY READINGS Psalm 94Jeremiah 5:18-312 Peter 3:8-13This weekend’s scripture:Proverbs 17:19-22 FIELD NOTES Jeremiah continues his lament directed at the rich and powerful: “They do not seek justice. They do not promote the case of the fatherless; they do not defend the just cause of the poor. . . . A horrible and…

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Shipwrecked with Regard to Faith

September 16, 2019 DAILY READINGS Psalm 94Jeremiah 5:1-171 Timothy 1:18-20This weekend’s scripture:Proverbs 17:19-22 FIELD NOTES Many of us are coming down from a summer “mountaintop experience.” Good vacations give us a chance to read and think, have deep conversations with people we love, and enjoy some of God’s beautiful creation. Out in the countryside, we…

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The Danger of Riches

DAILY READING Psalm 105:1-6, 37-45Exodus 16:22-30Matthew 19:23-30This weekend’s reading:  Proverbs 15:1-7 FIELD NOTES William Barclay writes regarding these verses in Matthew, “Riches have three main effects on a [person’s] outlook: Riches encourage a false independence. Riches shackle a [person] to this earth. Riches tend to make a [person] selfish. … It is not that riches…

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Examine Yourselves

DAILY READING Psalm 105:1-6, 37-45Exodus 16:1-212 Corinthians 13:5-10This weekend’s reading:  Proverbs 15:1-7 FIELD NOTES In his second letter to the Corinthians, Paul encourages the church to examine themselves to see if they truly are living according to faith in Christ. The church at Corinth had begun to doubt Paul’s authority as Christ’s apostle, causing a…

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Bitterness and Complaining

DAILY READING Psalm 105:1-6, 37-45Exodus 15:22-272 Corinthians 13:1-4This weekend’s reading:  Proverbs 15:1-7 FIELD NOTES As anyone with survival skills will tell you, one of the most important things to find when lost in the wilderness is drinkable water. You won’t last long without it! When God brought his people out of slavery in Egypt, their…

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A Mentor’s Legacy

DAILY READING Psalm 772 Kings 2:1-18Mark 11:20-25This weekend’s reading:  Proverbs 15:1-7 FIELD NOTES This story in 2 Kings depicts Elisha sticking close to his mentor Elijah throughout a long journey so that he may witness Elijah’s being taken up to heaven. At the end of the journey, the mentor asks his student, “Tell me what…

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