The Cross-Cultural Neighbor

Dr. Davis Chappell preaches on Philip and the Ethiopian on Pentecost Sunday – week six of Brentwood United Methodist Church’s series, Neighbors. This week’s challenge: Give. You may call this “reverse hospitality.” According to Dustin Willis and Brandon Clements in their book The Simplest Way to Change the World, “Reverse hospitality is where you take something…

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Discover Your Spiritual Gifts | June 4, 2019

DAILY READING Psalm 291 Corinthians 12:4-13This week’s sermon text: Acts 8:26-40  FIELD NOTES There’s a member of our church who owns his own business and for years was asked to serve on the administrative committees of our church — the ones that deal with finance and facilities and business-oriented tasks. He wanted to serve and he…

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The Compassionate Neighbor

June 3, 2019 DAILY READING Today’s reading: Acts 8:26-40This week’s challenge: CONNECT FIELD NOTES According to the Tennessee Office for Refugees, Nashville received 67 refugees between October 2018 and January 2019. Scripture is full of commands to take care of the immigrant residing in your land: When a foreigner resides among you in your land,…

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The Compassionate Neighbor

Dr. Davis Chappell preaches on the parable of the Good Samaritan in week five of Neighbors. This week’s challenge is to connect. On June 9, Brentwood United Methodist Church has the privilege of hosting many refugee individuals and families in worship. Your challenge is to make an intentional effort to connect with an individual or…

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The Misunderstood Jesus | June 1, 2019

DAILY READING Psalm 100John 8:48-59This week’s sermon text: Luke 10:25-37 FIELD NOTES Jesus was often misunderstood in his own time. Unfortunately, we sometimes still misunderstand who he is and what he came to do. We misunderstand Jesus when we think he only came to save the good church going people like us. We misunderstand Jesus when we think…

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An Unlikely Messenger | May 31, 2019

DAILY READING Psalm 31:1-5Acts 7:1-16This week’s sermon text: Luke 10:25-37 FIELD NOTES If we read further on from today’s scripture, we know that Stephen’s speech in front of the religious leaders was not ultimately successful. Stephen would end up being stoned to death for his testimony of Christ. But Stephen’s speech is powerful in another way because…

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Criticism | May 30, 2019

DAILY READING Psalm 31:1-5Acts 6:8-15This week’s sermon text: Luke 10:25-37 FIELD NOTES It hurts to be falsely accused. It hurts when others attribute false motives for actions we feel are justified and needed. It hurts because our intentions might be pure, but we just can’t control what others might say or think. Even though we are blessed…

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The Boldness of a Mother’s Love | May 29, 2019

DAILY READING Psalm 100Matthew 20:17-28This week’s sermon text: Luke 10:25-37 FIELD NOTES Today’s scripture reminds us of the remarkable love of a mother. These two sons of Zebedee, for whatever reason, don’t ask Jesus for a place of prominence. But their mother will! She begs Jesus for her sons to rule with him in the new kingdom.…

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The Enemy Neighbor

May 28, 2019 DAILY READING Today’s reading: Matthew 5:43-48This week’s challenge: ASK FIELD NOTES We meet people everywhere – on a walk, at the grocery store, or in your favorite restaurant or coffee shop. We encounter servers, retail employees, other patrons, and countless other individuals on a daily basis. All these people have differing backgrounds,…

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