Presence | May 16, 2019

May 16, 2019 DAILY READING This week’s sermon text: Matthew 22:34-40 Read the psalm aloud with expression and feeling. How does this psalm compare to the way you pray when you feel like the writer does? Psalm 139 (A psalm of David) You have searched me, Lord,    and you know me.You know when I sit and when…

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Abandonment and Despair | May 15, 2019

Abandonment and Despair May 15, 2019 DAILY READING This weekend’s reading: Matthew 22:34-40Read the psalm aloud with expression and feeling. How does this psalm compare to the way you pray when you feel like the writer does? Psalm 13 (a psalm of David) How long, Lord? Will you forget me forever?    How long will you hide your face…

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Instruction | May 14, 2019

May 14, 2019 DAILY READING This weekend’s reading: Matthew 22:34-40Read the psalm aloud with expression and feeling. How does this psalm compare to the way you pray when you feel like the writer does? Psalm 15 (a psalm of David) Lord, who may dwell in your sacred tent?    Who may live on your holy mountain? The one…

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The Neighbor in Your Family

May 13, 2019 DAILY READING Today’s reading: Exodus 20:12, Ephesians 6:1-4This week’s challenge: COMMUNICATE FIELD NOTES Is your soul at peace with your spouse? Your children? Your roommate? Your family? If not, how long has it been since you experienced peace with them? Whether we live alone or with family, we sometimes forget to think…

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May 11, 2019 DAILY READING Psalm 23Ezekiel 28:25-26Luke 12:29-32This weekend’s reading: Exodus 20:12 FIELD NOTES My nephew tried tee-ball this year. For the most part, it’s watching kids playing with the grass in the outfield and cheer, no matter the team when someone gets a solid hit. But for one brief moment, there was excitement…

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Enemies Internal And External

May 10, 2019 DAILY READING Psalm 23Ezekiel 20:39-44This weekend’s reading: Exodus 20:12 FIELD NOTES In Psalm 23, the enemy is external. It speaks of the darkest valley (v4) and enemies at the table (v5). In Ezekiel 20 the enemy is internal. It speaks of the ways and deeds we pollute ourselves (v43). But in both scenarios,…

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A Heart Of Stone No More

May 9, 2019 DAILY READING Ezekiel 11:1-25This weekend’s reading: Exodus 20:12 FIELD NOTES Ezekiel can be a tough book to read.  Like the New Testament book of Revelation, which borrows heavily from Ezekiel, the story is full of visions full of spectacular images and metaphors.  But it also, and Revelation too, contains these nuggets of…

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From Emptiness to Purpose

May 8, 2019 DAILY READING Isaiah 6:1-8Luke 5:1-11This weekend’s reading: Exodus 20:12 FIELD NOTES There are certain themes that repeat in both the Old and New Testaments.  So from time to time, like with today’s readings, the lectionary chooses to highlight this pattern. In both these stories, our main character is having a moment of emptiness–Isaiah…

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Sharing Your Story

May 7, 2019 DAILY READING Acts 26:1-18This weekend’s reading: Exodus 20:12 FIELD NOTES We see this time and time again.  A sports player steps unto the field and is booed.  They use to be cheered for, but they’ve been traded and now they wear the jersey of the other team, and so they get booed.  Something…

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